Gypsy Stats:
5 hours 39 minutes elapsed time
3 hours 47 minutes riding time
159.8 miles
42.3 average mph
Beemer stats:
162 miles
43 mph
44 mpg
Sunday was Easter this week, so we tried for a Saturday morning breakfast and ride, meeting up at Marvel Ranch in downtown Reading at 8:15. Dave came by car to avoid temptation since he was staring down the barrel of 40 tax returns due by April 15 and really could not afford the helmet time today. Bob came along with Dave so it was four for breakfast but only two for the ride. Breakfast at Marvel Ranch was great, as usual, then off for a quick(ish) jaunt up over the mountain to Shamokin on Route 125 from Ravine and loop around back, one of our favorite local rides. Nice sunny day but still kind of bare and bleak with not a whole lot of spring showing, but the promise in the air. Home by 1:30 with 160 miles on the clock.
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