Sunday, August 4, 2013

July 28, 2013

Gypsy Stats:
11 hrs 27 minutes
7 hrs 48 minutes
377.5 miles
48.4 mph

Beemer Stats:
390.9 miles
48 mph
47 mpg

Gas Record:
TBD miles
TBD mpg
$3.91/gal for premium

Working too many hours these days; if we waited for me to write commentary we would never get anything posted and I wanted to at least get the record of the route and the statistics up.

Good month, July; we got out on all four Sundays, going long on the 28th.  Not to mention breakfast at Fay's with steak and eggs and the pumpkin pancke with real maple syrup special.

July 21, 2013

Gypsy Stats:
7 hrs 22 minutes elapsed time
4 hrs 3 minutes riding time
164 miles
40.6 mph

Beemer Stats:
169.5 miles
40 mph
46 mpg

Gas Record:
169 miles
47.1 mpg
$3.96/gal for premium

July 14, 2013

Gypsy Stats:
7 hrs 30 minutes elapsed time
4 hrs 57 minutes riding time
213.4 miles
43.1 mph

Beemer Stats:
221.4 miles
43 mph
47 mpg

Gas Record:
222 miles
46.9 mpg
$3.82/gallon for premium

July 7, 2013

Gypsy Stats:
6 hrs 40 minutes elapsed time
3 hrs 54 minutes riding time
161 miles
41.3 mph

Beemer Stats:
167.3 miles
42 mph
45 mpg

Gas Record:
166 miles
45.5 ,pg
$3.70/gal for premium

Sunday, July 21, 2013

June 30, 2013

Gypsy Stats:
7 hrs 22 min elapsed time
4 hrs 58 min riding time
216 miles
43.5 mph

Beemer stats:
169.5 miles
40 mph
46 mpg

Gas log:
221 miles
44.6 mpg
$3.70/gal for premium

April 19 - 21, 2013 West Virginia

Three Day Route Map:

Overall Trip:

GPS Stats:             58:13     Total elapsed time
                             21:53     Riding time
                             1036      Miles    GPS Track Record
                             47.3       MPH     By GPS Track Record
                             1051      Miles    GPS Trip odometer
                             48.0       MPH     By GPS Trip odometer
Beemer Stats:       1078      Miles     Beemer trip odometer
                             1099      Miles     Beemer main odometer
Gas stats:              23.44    Gallons, Wawa to Wawa
                            $90.73    Gas cost for Beemer
                              46.9      MPG from gas log
                              $3.87     $/gal for Premium
Food & Lodging:   $93      per person

Day 1, April 19, 2013 - Reading to Sistersville, WVa

Gypsy Stats:          11:40   Elapsed time
                              8:40     Riding time
                              395.5   Miles
                              45.7     MPH
Beemer Stats:        409.2   miles
                              49        mph
                              46        mpg


Day 2, April 20, 2013 - Sistersville to Franklin, WVa

Gypsy Stats:          8:46     Elapsed Time
                              7:00     Riding Time
                              328.0   Miles                           
                              46.9     mph                             
Beemer Stats:        347.4   Miles                           
                              48        mph                             
                              47        mpg                             
Day 3, April 21, 2013 - Franklin to Reading and home 

Gypsy Stats:          8:27     Elapsed time
                              6:14     Riding time
                              312.9   miles                           
                              50.2     mph                             
Beemer Stats:        321.4   miles                           
                              51        mph                             
                               46        mpg

Saturday, June 8, 2013

June 2, 2013

 Gypsy Stats:
Elapsed time:  6 hrs 42 min
Riding time:  2 hr 43 min
Total distance:  116 miles
Average speed:  43.5 mph

Beemer stats:
Total distance:  120 miles
Average speed:  42 mph
Gas mileage:  46 mpg
 A bright sunny morning with lots of promise for a good day's ride in the early summer.  We headed out to Ephrata for the 1st Sunday buffet breakfast and motorcycle show.  The buffet was good; coffee was definitely OK, probably running No 3 behind Marvel Ranch and Lawn FC and the sausage gravy was excellent, really full of sausage.  Makes me think we better go back to Richwood to see how their reputation is holding up.
It's always interesting to wander around a congregation of motorcycles.  The crowd at Lawn tends towards chrome and load pipes but the Ephrata crowd is more eclectic with a better representation of diverse bikes from around the world, including some true classics.  There is always at least one or two home built, customed-out atrocities, of course, and today was no exception.  Between breakfast and walking the line of bikes we used up about 2 hours, then headed out to ride.

There was a sprinkle of rain and some wet road over towards Mt. Gretna.  On Rt 117 out of Mt. Gretna, Dave hit a slick patch of wet road on a right hand turn and low-sided the Triumph, sliding about 150 ft into and across the opposing traffic lane.  Luckily, there was no oncoming traffic, and smartly, we ride ATGATT, so he got up with a scuffed jacket, torn pants, and a ruined pair of gloves but no injuries.  The bike was somewhat worse for wear, of course, with a mirror gone and  scuffed and broken plastic on the right side.  The crash pegs seemed to have prevented any major damage and after a stop to decompress in Mt Gretna, we were able to ride home though with the day's enthusiasm curtailed.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

May 19, 2013

Gypsy Stats:
7 hours 16 minutes Elapsed Time
4 hours 20 minutes Riding Time
169 Total Miles
39 Ave MPH

Beemer Stats:
175 Total Miles
40 Ave MPH
46 MPG

We were not able to find an open weekend for a 2 or 3 day trip this month, so the plan for May 19 was to go long, forming up early and blasting out to Carlisle for 300+ miles on a beautiful spring day.  Cory and Kevin joined us hoping to go long.

Our policy with weather is to ignore the reports and at ride time look up to the sky.  If our faces get wet, it's raining, if not, not.  Usually this system gets us out on the road in a pleasant overcast despite ominous forecasts of rain.  Today seemed to be the opposite.  At 6:30, the Doppler radar showed a storm piled up over the Missouri River and clear skies from there east to Pennsylvania, and the satellite image showed cloud cover breaking to the west.  But the face test came up wet.  Everything showed wet roads and moisture in the air despite the good radar reports.  So we decided to modify the plan and ride up to the Lawn Fire Company Motorcycle Breakfast.  

OK, no question about it:  this day got tapped with the ugly stick.  It's not actually raining raining but there is enough moisture in the air to constantly bead up on the visor and the roads are wet and traction uncertain.  The overcast makes for an even light with no contrast but really, with poor visibility it's a constant struggle reading the road surface and not a whole lot of fun.  Even at 59 degrees I am glad to turn the heat on low and run the grip heaters to help dry the gloves that get wet from wiping the moisture off of the visor.

Lawn FC does a good job with breakfast, $12 all-you-can-eat cafeteria style buffet, kind of a HOG trough given the theme.  But the coffee was probably the best FC coffee encountered so far and the sausage gravy, though not quite Richwood Moose, was top drawer.

We rode back to the south through the Amish country.  Around 11:30 the ceiling lifted, the air cleared , and the roads dried, so the day was not a total bust.  In the end, 170 miles on the clock, not long but not quite short and home by about 2:00 with time do some chores.