The Reasons

  1. The grin factor
  2. Salt mackerel for breakfast at the Masonic Lodge
  3. Custom-made, two-piece motorcycle underwear
  4. New tires needing to be scrubbed in
  5. Wrenching on the new luggage rack in Hermy’s parking lot
  6. Taking a ride on the WK and S
  7. Riding two-up with your sweetie
  8. Crab cake sandwich for lunch in Chesapeake City
  9. Swirling yellow walnut leaves
  10. Tapioca pudding and shoo-fly pie at Haag's
  11. The grin factor (again)
  12. The Valley and Ridge Province
  13. My own gas pump?
  14. Soft ice cream, anytime
  15. One-pot camp cooking
  16. Walking down to the lake at sunrise
  17. SOS at Haycock Fire Company
  18. High class dogs on the grill with home made pickles at Van Sant
  19. Gliders and bi-planes
  20. The Robert C. Byrd Memorial Motorcycle Playground aka the state of West Virginia
  21. Plug-in, electric, heated jacket in the chill of the morning
  22. Lighthouses
  23. Bright Venus, the Morning Star, in the eastern sky
  24. A warm stove to sit by when the weather is just plain ugly
  25. First ride of the season!
  26. Spring in the air
  27. Another new bike!
  28. 99 Years in the family (and counting)
  29. New motorcycle boots
  30. Old motorcycles
  31. Nathan's all-beef dog with yellow mustard
  32. Woods full of redbud on a sunny spring morning
  33. The view from the top of the mountain
  34. A ride around the block
  35. A tire patch kit when you need it most
  36. The Interstate Highway System
  37. Chatting with Dale at the Blue Moon
  38. LD Comfort underwear, Hot or Cold!
  39. A really superior camp bed
  40. A better way to get to work
  41. Gear that saves your bacon (or hamburger!)
  42. Those autumn colors
  43. Silver car diners
  44. More farkle on the handlebars
  45. Planning the new season
  46. Redbud on the hillside 
  47. New rubber
  48. Pancake Houses and Hot Dog Stands
  49. A friendly helping hand when you need it
  50. The Robert C. Byrd Appalachian Highway System
  51. Not the quickest way to Beckley
  52. Hills and Hollers
  53. Sharing old roads with friends
  54. The "long way" to anywhere 
  55. Finding new roads
  56. Brand new pavement twisting across the ridge
  57. Nicht ein fürshitstig Nähmaschine
  58. Paddle wheel ferry ride
  59. Not my own cell
  60. Not saving lives with loud pipes
  61. Waterproof boots.  No, I mean it, really waterproof.
  62. Butterflies
  63. Cheese steak omelet at Lyons Fire House
  64. Bald eagle soaring above the roadway
  65.  Rt 99
  66. Sausage gravy and biscuits at the Ridgewood, WV Moose Lodge
  67.  Bright autumn weather
  68. A twisty route home
  69. Kutztown java
  70. The Heat, The Heat, The Heat
  71. Riding in December 
  72. Not the end of the world - nothin' to do but go out and ride! 
  73. Getting out every month at least once 
  74. Pork chops and egg for breakfast 
  75. Creamed chipped beef at Shoey (sorry, Haycock, you've been topped)
  76. The Ohio River Valley
  77. The Blue Ridge Parkway, early autumn between the summer folk and the leaf peepers
  78. Bike shops that help out when you are far from home - Thanks to Frontline in Roanoke!
  79. Ohio Rt 255
  80. Having the right tools on the bike 
  81. Steak and eggs at Fay's in Carlisle
  82. Ferry across the Ohio at Sistersville 