Monday, April 25, 2016

April 2016, West Virginia

My stats from the on-board trip computer: 
4/22/16, 47 mph, 49 mpg, 334.3 mi
4/23/16, 44 mph, 50 mpg, 361.8 mi
4/24/16, 51 mph, 51 mpg, 304.1 mi
GPS Trip: 981.08

From the gas and mileage record I get an average of 48.8 mpg.  Here's the interesting thing tho', when I calculate the mileage fillup by fillup, the first two are 44.6 and 45.7 mpg; the remaining 5 average 49.6 mpg with a std dev of 2.13.  Yup, I did the t-test.  Even with so few data, the t-statistic is striking: -4.1 with a t-crit of 2.57 for 95% probability.  What does that mean?  There is a better than 99% probability that the data from the first 2 and last 5 are from two statistically distinct populations.  The first 2 are miles ridden using fillups in PA:  the previous Wawa fillup and the Sheetz fillup in Carlisle; the remaining 5 are from fillups south of the M-D line.  Guess there's no question about ethanol in fuel in PA, huh?