Monday, January 21, 2013

January 20, 2013

 Gypsy Stats:
5 hr 30 min elapsed time
3 hr 7 min riding time
120.6 miles
38.7 mph

Beemer Stats:
125.7 miles
39 mph
44 mpg

The weather report was for clear skies and relatively mild highs, perfect for a winter day ride.  When I got up, the thermometer read 27, but the internet was reporting mixed temperatures around the area, some as high as 40.  Geared up and getting the bike out, the air was chilly but the sky was clear in the east, promising a brilliant sunrise.

Sure enough, it was cold heading up the road along the creek with the bike thermometer reporting 27-28.  As soon as I rose up out of the creek valley, the temperature jumped up to 41, as shown on the local weather maps.  Weird.  We usually do not see such a large change in such a short distance even with the slight elevation rise.  Temps stayed around 40 all the way to form up.  I was plugged in, turned on, and glad for the full winter gear.

The vagaries of the weather had guided us to the Masonic Temple on 3rd Sundays pretty frequently lately.  With the beautiful forecast, we decided to switch it up and go to Bally Firehouse today.  Riding east across the Blue Hills, we were pointing into the sun with crystal clear air.  The contrasty light made it hard to spot lines in the corners sometimes, so we took it fairly easy.

Breakfast at Bally was definitely OK:  the coffee did not measure up to Marvel Ranch but the chipped beef was good and the scrambled eggs and pork were pretty standard Dutch Country fare.  Have to admit, they pretty much punted on the OJ, tasted like Sunny D watered down to spread it around.

By the time breakfast was over there was a little bit of overcast and the sun was higher in the sky, cutting down on contrast and giving a friendlier lighting to the roads.  Temperatures climbed up above 50, as advertised, so it was really a great day for riding.  One of the reasons we try to get out every Sunday is that forecast aside, you never know what you are going to get.  And while there are some real losers, like last Sunday in the fog, every now and then you get a real winner, like today. We took a jaunt to the east around northern Bucks County winding up with about 120+ miles on the clock, home a little past mid-day with time to do some chores.

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