6 hrs 47 min elapsed time
4 hrs 05 min riding time
148 miles
36.2 mph
Beemer Stats:
153 miles
38 mph
46 mpg
Gas: $3.96/gal for premium this morning
No photos (camera still broke), no breakfast at the Masonic Temple (closed in August), no time for goin' long, no sun in the sky... But hey, Lyons Fire Company was open for business and serving their signature cheese steak omelet, so life is good. Temps were in the mid-60's, surprisingly cool for mid-August. I was running short LD base layer with suit and liners. Dave, the ultimate heat wienie, was packing the heat and using it. I have to confess, I flipped the hand grip warmers on for a spell. Nice long breakfast at Lyons followed by a run around the northeast end of the county with an excursion up into western Lehigh ("Is that a Lehigh County cow, Jakey..."). Hunert and fifty miles, nice morning.
We've been getting an inch of rain a week lately, about perfect. With the drought in the midwest and corn prices projected to skyrocket, the Oley Valley farmers are gonna be payin' down debt this year from the look of the lush fields of corn and beans.
Corn here is brown and wilted. What little tobacco I see is doing well. This isn't corn country.