Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March 11, 2012

Gypsy Stats:
7:08 Elapsed time
4:25 Riding time
174 miles
39.4 ave mph

Beemer stats:
181 miles
42 ave mph
45 mpg
4:18 active time

The weather forecast was for sunny and 60 but getting up in the dark on this first day of daylight savings time, the thermometer said 22.  I dressed up in full winter gear including my new cold weather gloves and the Frogg Togg jacket.  Talk about cold.  Riding over to form-up I saw the lowest temperature I have ever seen on the bike thermometer, 22.1. I think once before I commented that there is a break point between 26 degrees and 23 degrees with 23 degrees and below being fundamentally intolerable on the bike.  Well, there have been a couple of minor gear improvements since then which have made a significant difference.  I don't remember if I was wearing the Frogg Toggs then or not, but adding that extra outer layer of wind break buys 5-10 degrees of temperature tolerance.  Most important though is the Aerostitch chin fleece.  I think I highlighted this in a previous blog, complete with photo.  In addition to covering the chin, sealing the bottom of the helmet and preventing the cold wind from blowing on the points of the cheeks really makes a difference.  So suitably geared up and with the heat cranked up to full power, 22 degrees was tolerable.

Heading out from form-up to Brecknock fire house for breakfast, the sun had risen and temperature was starting to rise, hovering around 25 down in the ravines by the creek.  In a few points at higher elevation it jumped up to 32 or so, feeling positively balmy after the chilly start.

Breakfast at Brecknock was pretty standard fire house fare:  scrambled eggs, various pork products, home fires, pancakes, SOS.  The coffee was pretty good and the service was friendly.

Leaving breakfast, temperatures had risen to the low 40's and the sun was out so it was a good day for a long jaunt around the block.  We went west into Lancaster and Lebanon Counties, then up over the mountain on 501 through Pine Grove, Ravine, Mollystown, and up the hill to Rt 125 north.  Robins are back, early daffodils and crocuses are in bloom, and the winter wheat is greening up in the fields.  Aside from that Pennsylvania is still pretty brown and bleak though the bright sun and higher temps are nice today.

Cutting across Taylorsville Rd to the east eventually landed us at a coffee stop at the Dunkin Donuts in Pottsville with temperatures now climbing into the 50's.  A quick run south through Schuylkill gap and Port Clinton, then across through Windsor Castle brings us back into local territory and on to home with 180 +/- miles on the clock and a few hours left to do something useful.

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